The Pakora Bar in Edinburgh

We took a train from London to Edinburgh. The countryside was beautiful, even though I saw lots of sheep and cows that I know are kept for the benefit of humans. The larger immediate problem was the lack of vegan and gluten-free options on the train. We sat in first class, which included breakfast, but there was nothing I would eat on the menu except an orange. So that’s what I got. It means I was rather famished by the time we checked in to our Edinburgh hotel. To our delight, The Pakora Bar was next door!

This restaurant is family run and owned by the son. The owner immediately came to our table to say hello and ask about us. Later, the father came by, too. We felt so welcome. And the space has an upstairs that is Instagram ready!

There are a few vegan and gluten-free options on the menu. Our server was patient with us and helped us order the things that best fit our desires. Of course, we had to start with the namesake dish. We picked out the Veg and the Cauliflower pakoras to start.

Delicious! Then we ordered the Veg Curry of the day and the Moogi Spinach Dal. The Dal was made with mustard greens and spinach, which gave it a more complex flavor profile that we enjoyed. The Curry was of lentils and veggies. Both were yummers.

There were no desserts we could try, but we were satiated for the day.

The Pakora Bar gets three of five vegan cupcakes. I was thrilled to find delicious food right next to the hotel. I would absolutely return to The Pakora Bar.

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